About Us

Noble Warrior Leadership Ministry

We provide young-adult leadership training that seeks to equip believers for living Colossians 1:10 lives…so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…through training in a Christ centered warrior ethos.  

The core of the ministry is The Disciplines of the Godly Warrior: Rites of Passage Leadership Program, an online program of instruction.

Start the Program
Photo of a climber helping another climber up a rocky mountain
What is Christ Centered Living?
Photo of a woman holding a book with two other people

Christ as Your North Star

Christ centered living can be thought of as orienting your life’s journey on obedience to Christ as your north star… seeing yourself on a journey or an adventure in which you’re
 1) living your best life
 2) being the best version of yourself
 3) realizing your ultimate potential, and
 4) developing a servant’s heart along the way.

What is the Warrior Ethos?

A State of Mind & Code of Conduct

The warrior ethos is a set of principles by which every warrior lives. In a broader sense, the warrior ethos is a way of life that applies to our personal and professional lives as well. It defines who we are and who we aspire to become.  The warrior ethos is both a mindset and a lifestyle.  

The warrior ethos can be generalized in the word discipline or disciplines.  For the purposes of our training, the warrior ethos is understood as the undergirding, fortifying disciplines that are helpful for living a Christ centered life.

Strength, endurance, and perseverance or patience are a few of the many tenants of what those of us who have lived their lives as warriors call the “warrior ethos.”

"I will always place the mission first, I will never accept defeat, I will never quit, and I will never leave a fallen comrade."


"Chris is the definition of Leader and a dedicated, humble servant to God. If I’m going to do battle with the enemy, I want Chris and his faith on my side. He has developed a work of passion in this training. He draws deeply from hislife experiences; his life as a warrior; as a trainer; as an executive coach; and as a husband, father, and mostly, as aman of God. His passion is teaching, and his purpose is teaching young adults leadership disciplines and virtuessuch as responsibility, structure, meaning, service, and purpose. His objective is helping folks 1) get their lives together; 2) put their houses in order; and then 3) reach out to serve the world. This is a much-needed message for young Christian adults that includes valuable, Bible-based insights for living out one’s best life, being the best version of themselves, maximizing their potential and developing servants’ hearts."

Shawn B.

"I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing Chris for over 15 years. His personal integrity, discipline, leadership, and desire to help others reach their best is second to none. Chris has proven his ability to lead, by his exemplary service to our country. I would highly recommend his services to anyone looking for that next level."

Beau D.